HR software

wollow projects
HR software

Web based employee scheduling and performance software designed to automate complex recruitment agency processes.

Custom Crew Management Software "Vega"
Custom Crew Management Software addressing the needs of any commercial ship management, offshore and oil and gas companies regardless of their business nature and location.
Custom Crew Management Software "Vega"
Employee Performance Software
Wollow developed a centralized, cloud-based Employee Performance Software to help pharmacy managers rate and maintain their human resources.
Employee Performance Software
Web Software for Nannys and Babysitters
We developed a Software Solution for Nannys and Babysitters with content management system and responsive design. Our client is a company with nanny sharing services.
Web Software for Nannys and Babysitters
HR management software solutions
OWL is a web based employee scheduling and performance management system designed to automate complex recruitment agency processes.
HR management software solutions
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) Software
This custom software product is separated into three parts - mobile application, web application and content management system(CMS). This software solution complies with the Australian law of Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) Software
Recruiting Agency CRM Software
The main goal of this software, developed by Wollow based on custom requirements from the client, is to automate all work processes and increase the efficiency of the HR team.
Recruiting Agency CRM Software
Sharing Services Software
We developed a Software Solution(Ruby on Rails) for cleaners sharing with content management system and responsive design. Our client is a company with clean sharing services.
Sharing Services Software
