Cloud applications and Services

wollow service Cloud applications and Services

A cloud application is internet-based software that processes or stores data online. 

There are three main kinds of cloud applications: Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service and the most common - Software as a Service.

What is a cloud application?

A cloud application is an internet-based program in which at least some of the processing and storage takes place on the internet, which is referred to metaphorically as "the cloud." The application's front end may run as an app or in a web browser, but key elements, such as data storage, are online.

Why cloud applications are growing in popularity?

Cloud computing offers lower startup costs, economies of scale, and other advantages.

Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the most common examples of cloud applications and one that's most familiar to ordinary users. The publisher provides both the cloud-based software and the hardware and infrastructure on which it runs.

Our DevOps engineers will help you make the best use of your cloud server and neutralize the risk points that come with hosted solutions.

We are the ones to help you nurture it from the bottom up.


Web-Based Pawn Shop Software Ares 5.0
Web-Based Pawn Shop Software Ares 5.0 is cost effective and easy to use. Ares 5.0 Software is one of the most established brands serving the Pawnshop Industry in Bulgaria.
Web-Based Pawn Shop Software Ares 5.0
Bus Ticket Booking & Management System
Bus Ticket Management Software System is designed to automate online ticket purchasing through an easy-to-use online bus booking system.
Bus Ticket Booking & Management System
Employee Performance Software
Wollow developed a centralized, cloud-based Employee Performance Software to help pharmacy managers rate and maintain their human resources.
Employee Performance Software
Web Software for Nannys and Babysitters
We developed a Software Solution for Nannys and Babysitters with content management system and responsive design. Our client is a company with nanny sharing services.
Web Software for Nannys and Babysitters


Top Google App Engine Developers in Bulgaria, Wollow is # 3 in the statistics for 2021

Top Google App Engine Developers in Bulgaria, Wollow is # 3 in the statistics for 2021.

Top 10+ IT Companies in Bulgaria (2022) - TechBehemoths

First place in this special ranking - Wollow! Top IT Companies in Bulgaria specialized in branding, UX design, web design, web development, social media marketing, mobile apps.

Top Software Development Companies in Bulgaria by

Top Software Development Companies in Bulgaria, Wollow is # 9 in the statistics for 2021.

13 Top Web Apps Startups and Companies in Bulgaria

13 Top Web Apps Startups and Companies in Bulgaria