Specialized software for managing processes, sales and contracts in a car dealership
Specialized software systems or solutions are finished end products that offer a complete service in a specific area. They typically offer services to groups of users, and users may be geographically distant and from different organizations. Software solutions or systems have two main users: administrators who set the system parameters, distribute rights to users, access levels, virtual groups, objects and characteristics to them, rights to use the services and users - they use the system as its intended purpose is created.
Key features of our software solution for vehicle dealers:
The software is specially designed for car dealerships, companies and individuals who sell cars on direct payment and on lease / installment payment of vehicles.
The platform keeps track of due and overdue installments and displays notifications, generates contracts, agreements/protocols as well as numerous reports.
Customer Data
Vehicle data
- Vehicle types - dynamically added according to needs and availability
- Vehicle brand and model
- Chassis No:
- Color
- Number of keys
- Photo of registration document.
- Vehicle Price - Net/Base/Sales
- Technical services appointment
- Annual vignette sticker / date of purchase
- Transport vehicle tax (full amount once a year)
- Annual fee for GPS
Repayment plan calculator for leasing / deferred payment of vehicles
References for control and activity planning
- Insurance
- Date of contract,
- Annual insurance value
- Quarterly installment and payment due date
- Automatic check every 3 months for validity
- Annual technical review notification
- Annual Vignette Sticker Notification
- Notification for annual tax on motor vehicles
- Number of purchased cars / value
- Number of vehicles sold / value
- Number of available cars / value
- Inquiries on other expenses – fines, GPS and others
- Expected insurance contributions
- Expected payments on leases
- Expected installments on all contracts
- Current net assets in sum (number of cars * their net value)
Automatic generation of documents on the car dealership letterhead:
- Vehicle purchase and sale contract
- Leasing contract
- Protocol under Art. 143
- Invoice without VAT
- Car dealership letterhead
- Declaration on processing personal data
- Rescheduling Agreement
- Insurance contract