Dentist Referral Software

wollow project Dentist Referral Software

DentRefer is a sophisticated medical software system which aims to provide all the tools needed to professional dentists, so they can reduce paperwork and refer patients to each other faster, by delivering a better patient experience.

The system is an innovation in the dental industry and helps all dentist or dental companies to register and start operating by accepting and referring patients between each other immediately. The professionals are also able to accept, modify and review medical documentation attached to any patient reducing the delays in communication between different institutions.

Using the built-in professional software the dentists are able to highlight specific teeth, generate medical documentation and edit the raw X-ray images attached for any client. The system also supports a live timeline where all logged in users can chat with each other in real-time and exchange experiences, or start private live conversations.

wollow project Dentist Referral Software wollow project Dentist Referral Software

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