Positive effects of cloud computing

wollow project Positive effects of cloud computing

As Australia's largest telecommunications company, Telstra offers Cloud Storage for business.

The goal is for Telstra to increase the awareness of its Cloud Storage offers by increasing clients’ knowledge about the positive effects of cloud computing for the planet.

Here are few of the key functionalities explained:

  • PDF download - downloads a PDF of the infographic as per the users selection of input data, so that they can share it easier with their peers
  • Copy Link - saves the user’s selection of input data, so that they could share a link with peers who could see exactly the same input and respectively infographic data
  • Email - opens the user’s mail client with a pre-loaded copy that includes their selection input and the corresponding results. Roughly the e-mail copy will be sth like that:  if you migrate X servers, this is going to result in these and those savings for your company that are the equivalent to building Y schools in Australia.
  • The most difficult part of the project was the understanding of the formulas behind the calculations.

wollow project Positive effects of cloud computing wollow project Positive effects of cloud computing wollow project Positive effects of cloud computing

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